JAL × 大阪学院大学
「第48回ジャパンウィーク スペイン・セビリア」参加のご報告
今回はClub KCのメンバーが11月20日(月)と21日(火)に、セビリアの中心部にある施設カジノ・デラ・エクスポジション(Casino de la Exposición)に展示ブースを出展し、日本の伝統「折り紙」を通して日本を発信する取り組みをしました。日本から3名、オランダとドイツに留学中の2名が現地で合流し、2日間にわたってスペインの方々のみならず、観光で街を訪問されていたオランダ、ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、アメリカ、ベネズエラから来られた方々と一緒に「折り紙」でくす玉や鶴を作りました。また、日本航空株式会社が紙飛行機のキットを寄付してくださり、ブースに来てくれた子供たちと一緒に飛行機も作りました。
The 48th Japan Week in Seville, Spain
Osaka Gakuin University collaborated with Japan Airlines for the 48th Japan Week held in Seville, Spain, from November 18th (Saturday) to November 23rd (Thursday), 2023. With sponsorship support from our partner company, five students from OGU actively participated in the event, which served as an international exchange platform where people from around the world could immerse themselves in Japanese culture through performances and exhibits. This marked the first time after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Members of Club KC were actively involved in the event on November 20th and 21st. They set up an exhibition booth at the Casino de la Exposición, a prominent facility in the center of Seville. Their initiative aimed to promote Japan through the traditional art of "origami." Three students from Japan and two studying in the Netherlands and Germany gathered for this event, engaging with people from Spain and visitors from the Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, the United States, and Venezuela. Over the two days, they crafted origami balloons and cranes. Additionally, Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. generously donated paper airplane kits, and the students, along with visiting children, also folded paper airplanes.
The OGU booth attracted nearly 200 guests who expressed keen interest in Japan and its culture. The students were pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming curiosity of the visitors. Despite some struggling with the origami process, everyone who visited the booth enjoyed the activity. A family that visited on two consecutive days later sent a heartfelt message expressing their gratitude: "Thank you for providing a wonderful experience. We have nothing but words of gratitude for your kindness. Please contact us if you ever return to Seville."
Although OGU's exhibition spanned only two days, the students experienced the joy of interacting with diverse guests and effectively conveying their culture. Undoubtedly, they felt the satisfaction of cultural exchange that transcends language barriers.