東京工業大学 工学部 制御工学科 入学
東京工業大学 工学部 制御工学科 卒業
東京工業大学大学院 理工学研究科 制御工学専攻 修士課程 入学
東京工業大学大学院 理工学研究科 制御工学専攻 修士課程 修了
「 Advanced development methods for information communication software guaranteeing high performance(高性能情報通信ソフトウェアのための高度開発手法の研究)」の研究により、東北大学より博士(情報科学)の学位を授与される。
日本電信電話公社入社 総裁室秘書課配属
成蹊大学 工学部 経営工学科 非常勤講師
大阪工業大学 情報科学部 情報システム学科 教授
大阪工業大学 情報科学部 情報システム学科 学科長
大阪学院大学 情報学部 教授
著 書 | ||
『原典CTRON体系1 CTRON概説-入門・共通規定編』 | オーム社刊(ISBN 4274077306)トロン協会編 坂村健監修・小林・須永他CTRON共通規定メンバによる共同執筆 |
1992.11 |
『原典CTRON体系10 通信制御インタフェース-ISDNユーザ制御編』 | オーム社刊(ISBN 4274077446)トロン協会編 坂村健監修・渡辺・須永他CTRON交換制御作業部会メンバによる共同執筆 |
1993.01 |
『原典CTRON体系9 通信制御インタフェース-CMISE編』 | オーム社刊(ISBN 4274077357)トロン協会編 坂村健監修・高橋・須永他CTRONネットワーク管理作業部会メンバによる共同執筆 |
1993.01 |
『設計ガイダンス. ソフトウェアポータビリティ編』 | オーム社刊(ISBN 427407772-1)トロン協会編 坂村健監修・和佐野・須永他CTRONソフトウェア流通アドホック部会メンバ |
1993.09 |
『設計ガイダンス. フォールトトレラント編』 | オーム社刊(ISBN 427407780-2)トロン協会編 坂村健監修・渡辺・須永他CTRON各部会メンバ |
1993.11 |
学術論文(査読付) | ||
"Reliability Evaluation of Packet Switching Systems Which Share Stand-by Equipment" | IEICE, vol. J69-A, no.1, pp. 664-671 T. Takenaka, H. Sunaga, M. Ohkubo, and K. Noguchi |
1985.01 |
"Distributed Communications System Technology" | IEICE Trans. Commu., vol. E77-B, no.11, pp. 1350 – 1362 K. Koyanagi, H. Sunaga, T. Yamada, M. Tomura, and N. Kurihara |
1994.11 |
"Applying TMN to a Highly Reliable Distributed Switching Node" | IEICE Trnas. Commun., vol. E78-B, no.1, pp. 24 – 30 K. Ueda, H. Inamori, H. Sunaga, and T. Nagai |
1995.01 |
"Non-stop Service-enhanceable Communication Software Platform Based on an Object-Oriented Paradigm" | IEICE Trnas. Commun., vol. E78-B no.7 pp.1043-1055 K. Koyanagi, T. Yamada, H. Sunaga, A. Okamoto, and M. Monden |
1995.07 |
"Increased Software Reusability in a Communication Switching Platform Based on Object-Oriented Design" | IEICE Trans., vol. E80-B, no.9, pp. 1300 – 1310 H. Sunaga, M. Furukawa, and K. Nishikawara |
1997.09 |
"Applicability Evaluation of Service feature Enhancement Using Plug-in Modification Technique" | IEICE, Trans. Commun., vol. E81-B, no.1, pp. 58 – 65 K. Koyanagi, H. Sunaga, T. Yamada, and M. Ikeda |
1998.01 |
"ATM Internode Signalling Processing for a Multimedia Network" | IEICE, Trans., vol. E81-B, no.3, pp. 537 – 544 H. Sunaga, and T. Ohba |
1998.03 |
"Automatic Code Production of Office Data Handling Programs for Switching Systems" | IEICE Trans., vol. E81-B, no.10, pp. 1831 – 1839 H. Sunaga, H. Matsumura, T. Hayashi, and K. Nishikawara |
1998.10 |
"Evaluation of Software Development Productivity and Analysis of Productivity Improvement Methods for Switching Systems" | IEICE Trans., vol. E81-B, no.12, pp.2519 – 2527 H. Sunaga, T. Yamada, K. Nishikawara, and T. Murakami |
1998.12 |
"Large-Scale VTOA Switching Node Architecture" | IEICE, Trans., vol. E82-B, no.1, pp. 70 - 80, Jan., 1999 H. Sunaga, T. Okutani, and K. Miyake, , | 1999.01 |
"Evaluation of 'Plug-in' Partial File Modification Mechanisms for Node Systems" | IEICE Trans., vol. E82-B, no.3, pp. 500 – 511 H. Sunaga, R. Nakamura, and T. Yamada |
1999.03 |
「大規模通信ノードシステムに対応したTMN構築支援技術の検討」 | 電子情報通信学会誌(IEICE Trans.), Vol. J84-B, No.3, pp.461-477 稲守,上田,須永 |
2001.03 |
"Distributed object-oriented switching system software platform architecture" | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., International Journal of Communication Systems, Volume 14 issue 7, pp.695-714 H. Sunaga, H. Shina, H. Inamori, and R. Nakamura |
2001.09 |
「次世代分散型ネットワークアーキテクチャの信頼性評価」 | 電子情報通信学会誌(IEICE Trans.), Vol. J85-B, No.12, pp.2300-2312 船越, 須永, 新津 |
2002.12 |
"Technical Trends in P2P-Based Communications" | IEICE Trans. on Commun., Vol. E87-B, No.10, pp2831-2846 H. Sunaga, T. Hoshiai, S. Kamei, and S. Kimura |
2004.10 |
「ユビキタスコンピューティング環境に適したサービス提供アーキテクチャにおけるサービス合成方法とその実装」 | 情報処理学会論文誌, 第46巻第2号, pp.418-433 武本充治、大石哲矢、岩田哲弥、山登庸次、田中洋平、徳元誠一、島本憲夫、黒川章、須永宏、小柳恵一 |
2005.02 |
"Evaluation of Partial File Modification for Java-based Realtime Communication Systems" | IEICE Trans. on Commun., Vol. E88-B, No.10, pp3982-3991 T. Yamada, H. Sunaga, S. Tanaka, S. Shiraishi, and K. Koyanagi |
2005.10 |
"P2P Network Topology Control over a Mobile Ad-hoc Network" | IEICE Trans. on Commun., Vol. E88-B, No.12, pp4490-449 K. Ueda, H. Sunaga, and S. Miyazaki |
2005.12 |
"Peer-to-Peer Nondocument Content Searching Method using User Evaluation of Semantic Vectors" | IEICE Trans. on Commun., Vol. E89-B, No.9, pp138-149 Y. Yamato, and H. Sunaga |
2006.09 |
"P2P Content Searching Method using Semantic Vector which is Managed on CAN Topology" | Academy Publisher, Journal of Multi Media (JMM), Vol. 1, no.6, pp1-9 Y. Yamato, and H. Sunaga |
2006.09 |
「買物支援サービス実証実験を通したユビキタスサービス合成技術の検証」 | 情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.48, No.2, pp.755-769 山登 庸次,横畑 夕貴,中野 雄介,浜田 信,武本 充治,須永 宏,田中 英里香,西木 健哉,寺西 裕一,下條 真司 |
2007.02 |
「ユビキタス環境にて動的にサービス実現するためのサービス合成技術」 | 情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.48, No.2, pp.562-577 山登 庸次,中辻 真,須永 宏 |
2007.02 |
「計算グリッドとデータグリッドをPeer-to-Peer(P2P)技術で融合したグリッドアーキテクチャ」 | 電子情報通信学会誌(IEICE Trans.), Vol. J90-B, No.12, pp.1239-1248, Dec., 2007 上田 清志,須永 宏,岡 利幸,松村 裕亮, | 2007.12 |
「WebアプリケーションWebサービス化ラッパシステムの実装と評価」 | 情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.49, No.2, pp.727-738 中野 雄介,山登 庸次,武本 充治,須永 宏 |
2008.02 |
「ユビキタスサービス合成に用いる抽象サービスシナリオ生成手法の検討」 | 電子情報通信学会誌(IEICE Trans.), Vol. J91-B, No.10, pp.1221-1230 山登 庸次,須永 宏 |
2008.10 |
「BPEL エンジンを用いたユーザカスタマイズサービス合成・切換技術の研究開発」 | 電子情報通信学会誌(IEICE Trans.), Vol. J91-B, No.11, pp.1428-1439 山登 庸次,中野 雄介,須永 宏 |
2008.11 |
「Web-テレコム連携のためのサービス実行制御技術の研究開発」 | 電子情報通信学会誌(IEICE Trans.), Vol. J91-B, No.11, pp.1417-1427 山登 庸次,大西 浩行,須永 宏 |
2008.11 |
「ユーザ状況に適したサービス提供のためのサービス代理処理機能の研究開発」 | 電子情報通信学会誌(IEICE Trans.), Vol. J91-B, No.12, pp.1682-1692 山登庸次, 大西浩行, 須永宏 |
2008.12 |
「物理ネットワーク負荷に適応したP2Pネットワークトポロジ制御」 | 電子情報通信学会誌(IEICE Trans.), Vol. J92-B, No.11, pp.1750-1763 上田清志,須永宏,中田隆,福田晃 |
2009.11 |
"Cooperative E-learning Applications Based on HTML-5 Canvas for Japanese Classical Literature Education" | IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing Vol.8 No.2, 2020 Eri Yokoyama, Hiroshi Sunaga, Makoto Hirayama | 2020.12 |
国際会議論文(査読付) | ||
"The Basic Concept of switching control in CTRON" | IEEE, ICC'91 H.Sunaga, K.Watanabe, and S. Suzuki |
1991.06 |
"Managed Object Definition for Customer Network Management in Public Data Networks" | IEEE/IFIP, ISINM 93, pp. 569-580, Apr.,1993 H. Sunaga, and S. Tomita, |
1993.04 |
"Implementation of the TMN to a Highly Reliable Distributed Switching Node" | IEEE, GLOBECOM'93, pp. 347-351 K. Ueda, A. Nagai, H. Inamori, and H. Sunaga |
1993.11 |
"Autonomous System Control for a Distributed Switching Node" | IEEE, GLOBECOM '93, pp. 1363-1367 M. Tomura, H. Sunaga, N. Kurihara |
1993.11 |
"Dynamic Program Modification in the Non-Stop Extensible System (NOSES)" | IEEE ICC'94, pp. 1779-1783 A. Okamoto, H.Sunaga, and K.Koyanagi |
1994.05 |
"NOSES as a Key Technology for Realizing Advanced Telecommunications Management" | IEEE, GLOBECOM'94, pp.212-216 H. Inamori, K. Ueda, K. Koyanagi, and H. Sunaga |
1994.11 |
"Reliable Real-Time Software Structure for Distributed Switching Nodes" | IEEE, GLOBECOM 94, pp. 495 -499 T. Yamada, K. Koyanagi, H. Sunaga, and H. Matsumura |
1994.11 |
"NOSES Object-Oriented Switching Software in C++ Non-stop Service Enhanceable Software" | IEEE, GLOBECOM'94, pp.828-832 T. Yamada, K. Koyanagi, H. Sunaga, and H. Matsumura |
1994.11 |
"Highly Reliable On-line Partial File Modification For Office Data Provisioning in NOSES" | IEEE, GLOBECOM '94, pp.1238-1242 H. Matsumura, H. Sunaga, K. Koyanagi, and S. Kasuga |
1994.11 |
"TMN on a Distributed Communications Node with Common Platform Software" | IEICE, APCC '95, pp.259-263 K. Ueda, H. Inamori, H. Sunaga, and K. Koyanagi |
1995.06 |
"NOSES Plug-in Platform for Quick Service Provisioning" | IEICECC '95, AP, pp.598-602 A. Okamoto, H.Sunaga, K. Koyanagi, and T. Yamada |
1995.06 |
"NOSES Office Data Provisioning Technology" | IEICE, APCC '95, pp.603-607 H. Matsumura, H. Sunaga, and K. Koyanagi |
1995.06 |
"Customer Network Management Service and MO Architecture for Data Networks" | IEICE, APCC '95, pp.790-794 H.Sunaga, H.Inamori, and S. Tomita |
1995.06 |
"A Reliable Communication Switching Platform for Quick Service Provisioning" | IEEE ICC'95, pp.77-82 H. Sunaga, A. Okamoto, K. Koyanagi, and T. Yamada |
1995.06 |
"Applying TMN to a Distributed Communications Node System with Common Platform Software" | IEEE, ICC'95, pp. 83-87 H. Inamori, K. Ueda, H. Sunaga, and T. Kishi |
1995.06 |
"File Operation for a Nos-stop Service Enhanceable Software (NOSES) Platform" | IEEE, GLOBECOM'95, pp.1957-1961 H. Sunaga, K. Ueda, H. Inamori, K. Koyanagi and A. Okamoto |
1995.11 |
"Applicability Evaluation of Service Feature Enhancement using the Partial-File "Plug-in" Modification Technique" | IEEE, ICC '96, pp.32-36 H.Sunaga, T. Yamada, K. Koyanagi and S. Sunaga |
1996.06 |
"Analysis of Reusability of Communication Switching Software Based on C++ Object-Oriented Design" | IEEE, ICC '96, pp. 37-41 M. Furukawa, H.Sunaga, M. Tomura, and N. Kurihara |
1996.06 |
"Common Channel Signalling Processing and TMN Operation For a B-ISDN Switching System" | IEICE, Interworking '96, pp. 109-118 H. Sunaga |
1996.10 |
"Software Development Environment for the Object-Oriented Nonstop Service Enhaceable Software (NOSES) Platform" | IEEE, GLOBECOM '96, pp.2001-2006 H. Sunaga, R. Nakamura, T. Yamada, T. Moriya |
1996.11 |
"Customer Network Management System For NTT's Data Communication Service" | IEEE, GLOBECOM '96, pp.173-178, H. Sunaga, Y. Yoshida, K. Murata, and T. Nishitani |
1996.11 |
"NOSES Distributed Communication Switching Software Structure Based on CORBA" | IEEE, ICC'97, pp.760-764 H. Sunaga, and T. Yamada |
1997.06 |
"Improved Software Productivity of a Switching System by Advanced Software Development Methods", | IEICE, APCC '97, pp.277-281 H. Sunaga, T. Yamada, K. Nishikawara, and T. Murakami |
1997.12 |
"System Architecture for a Large-Scale Public VTOA Handling Node" | IEEE, ICC'98, pp.275-280 H. Sunaga, T. Okutani, and K. Miyake |
1998.06 |
"Applicability of "Plug-in" Online File Modification Capabilities to STM/ATM Networks and Its Extension" | IEEE, ICC'98, pp.314-318 H. Sunaga, T. Yamada, and R. Nakamura |
1998.06 |
2001.06 |
"Performance Evaluation of Distributed Call processing Software" | IEEE, ICT2001, pp.471-476 S. Kimura, R. Nakamura, H. Inamori, M. Noguchi, K. Ueda and H. Sunaga |
2001.06 |
"Scalable Distributed Common Software Platform for the Multimedia Handling Node System" | IEEE, ICT2001, pp.549-554 M. Noguchi, H. Inamori, K. Ueda, H. Sunaga and M. Furukawa |
2001.06 |
"Software Configuration of P2P Application Controller" | IEEE ICT pp.758-762, S. Kimura, K. Sakai, A. Kurokawa, and H. Sunaga |
2002.06 |
"Digital Right Management for P2P Content Commerce" | IEEE ICT pp102-103, T. Iwata, and H. Suanga |
2002.06 |
"TMN Platform for Developing Large-Scale Communication Node" | ICT 2002 Y. Shimotsuma, K. Ueda, and H. Sunaga |
2002.06 |
"The Ubiquitous Service-Oriented Network (USON) - An Approach for a Ubiquitous World based on P2P Technology -" | (Invited Talk) pp. 17-21, IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing 2002, pp.17-21 M. Takemoto, and H. Sunaga |
2002.09 |
"A Study of a P2P community on a P2P communication platform" | International Conference on Communication Technology 2003(ICCT2003) K. Kikuma, Y. Yamada, and H. Sunaga |
2003.04 |
"A Study on P2P Platforms for Rapid Application Development" | IEICE APCC2003 M. Yamada, R. Ono, K. Kikuma, and H. Sunaga, |
2003.09 |
"An Implementation and Evaluation of the P2P-Web System" | IEICE APCC2003 S. Kimura, K. Sakai, A. Kurokawa, and H. Sunaga |
2003.09 |
"Peer-to-Peer Network Topology Control within a Mobile Ad-hoc Network" | IEICE APCC 2003, pp243-247 K. Ueda, S. Miyazaki, T. Iwata, H. Nakamura, and H. Sunaga |
2003.09 |
"Service Elements and Service Templates for Adaptive Service Composition in a Ubiquitous Computing Environment" | IEICE APCC 2003 M. Takemoto, Y. Yamato, and H. Sunaga |
2003.09 |
"A DRM System Suitable for P2P Content Delivery and the Study on its Implementation", | IEICE APCC 2003, pp806-811 T. Iwata, T. Abe, K. Ueda, and H. Sunaga |
2003.09 |
"P2P Platform Implementation on PDAs organizing Ad Hoc Wireless Network" | IEEE/IPSJ SAINT Workshop 2004, pp 529 - 534, Jan. 2004 Tetsuya Iwata, Sumio Miyazaki, Michiharu Takemoto, Kiyoshi Ueda and Hiroshi Sunaga |
2004.01 |
"Software Development Supporting Application Based on the P2P Framework" | 9th International Conference on Intelligence in service delivery Networks (ICIN2004) pp308-313 H.Sunaga, H.Nakamura, R.Ono, and M.Hamada |
2004.10 |
"Search Mechanism Using Distributed Metadata Caching in P2P Networks" | IEEE/IPSJ SAINT 2005 Workshop, pp. 212-215, Jan. 2005 A. Kibe, H. Nakamura, and H. Sunaga |
2005.01 |
"Context-aware Service Composition for in Ubiquitous Communication Networks" | in proc. Workshop on Mobile Computing - I2COMM, pp. 95-100 Y. Nakano, Y. Yamato, H. Sunaga, et. al, |
2005.10 |
"Construction of Credible Ubiquitous P2P Content Exchange Communities" | in proc. IFIP International Symposium on Network-Centric Ubiquitous Systems (NCUS 2005), pp. 612-621 Y. Yokohata, H. Sunaga, and H. Nakamura |
2005.12 |
"Peer-to-Peer Content Searching Method using Evaluation of Semantic Vectors," | IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC2006), pp.287-291 Y. Yamato, and H. Sunaga |
2006.01 |
"Service Composition Architecture for Programmability and Flexibility in Ubiquitous Communication Networks" |
IEEE/IPSJ SAINT Workshop 2006, pp. 142-145, Jan. 2006 Y. Yokohata, Y. Yoji, M. Takemoto, and H. Sunaga |
2006.01 |
"Context-aware Ubiquitous Service Composition Technology" | CONFENIS 2006, pp. 51-61 Y. Yamato, and H. Sunaga |
2006.04 |
"Ubiquitous Life Creation through Service Composition Technologies" | World Telecommunications Congress 2006(WTC2006)※頁数印刷無し H. Sunaga, M. Takemoto, Y. Yamato, Y. Yokohata, Y. Nakano, and M. Hamada |
2006.05 |
"Flexible Metaprogramming Platform for Ubiquitous Service Composition" | 10th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks (ICIN2006) Y. Yokohata, H. Sunaga, Y. Yamato, and M. Takemoto |
2006.05 |
"Effective Web-Service Creation Method For Ubiquitous Service Oriented Architecture" | International Workshop on Business Service Networks 2006, pp. 555-561 Y. Nakano, M. Takemoto, Y. Yamato, and H. Sunaga |
2006.06 |
"Secure Content Exchange Method for P2P-based Content Delivery Using Byzantine Algorithm" | 10th World Multi-conference on systemics, cybernetics and informatics (WMSCI2006), vol.3, pp. 371-376 M. Maeda, H. Sunaga, and H. Nakamura |
2006.07 |
"Ubiquitous Shopping Service in Actual Shopping Mall Based on Service Composition Technology" | i2com2006※頁数印刷無し Y. Yokohata, Y. Yamato, Y. Nakano, M. Hamada, M. Takemoto and H. Sunaga |
2006.09 |
"Method of creating web services from web applications" | IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA)2007, pp.65-71 Y. Nakano, Y. Yamato, M. Takemoto, H. Sunaga |
2007.06 |
"Context-Aware Service Composition and Component Change-over using Semantic Web Techniques," | IEEE 2007 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2007), pp.687-694 Y. Yamato, and H. Sunaga |
2007.07 |
"Service Delivery Platform for Telecom-Enterprise-Internet Combined Services" | IEEE Globecom2007, pp. 108-11 H. Ohnishi, Y. Yamato, M. Kaneko, T. Moriya, M. Hirano, and H. Sunaga |
2007.12 |
"Study and Evaluation of Context-Aware Service Composition and Change-Over Using BPEL Engine and Semantic Web Techniques," | IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC2008), pp.863-867 Y. Yamato, Y. Nakano, and H. Sunaga |
2008.01 |
"Highly Flexible Media Handling Enabler for the NGN Service Delivery Platform" | IEICE APSITT2008 ※頁数印刷無し Michio Irie, Masashi Kaneko, Miki Hirano, Hiroshi Sunaga |
2008.05 |
"SIP Servlet Dialogue Handling for NGN Service Capability Interaction Manager" | IEICE APSITT2008 ※頁数印刷無し M. Nakajime, Masashi Kaneko, Miki Hirano, Hiroshi Sunaga |
2008.05 |
"Novel SIP Session Handling in a Service Delivery Platform for Telecom-Web Integration" | IEICE APSITT2008 ※頁数印刷無し M. Kaneko M. Nakajime, Miki Hirano, Hiroshi Sunaga |
2008.05 |
"Web-Service-Based Avatar Service Modelling in the Next Generation Network" | IEICE APSITT2008 ※頁数印刷無し Yusuke Nakano, Yoji Yamato, Hiroshi Sunaga |
2008.05 |
"Study of Service Processing Agent for Context-Aware Service Coordination," | 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Computing (SCC2008) Y. Yamato, H. Ohnishi, and H. Sunaga |
2008.07 |
"Development of Service Control Server for Web-Telecom Coordination Service" | IEEE ICWS 2008 Y. Yamato and H. Sunaga |
2008.09 |
"Service Delivery Platform Architecture for the Next-Generation Network" | ICIN2008, Session 9-A Hiroshi Sunaga, Yoji Yamato, Hiroyuki Ohnishi, Masahi Kaneko, Masami IIo, and Miki Hirano |
2008.10 |
"SIP Method Escalation Algorithm for NGN Application Network Interface" | IEEE ICT2009, Routing&Scheduling 4 K. Ueda, H. Shimizu, T. Iwata, H. Sunaga, and A. Fukuda |
2009.05 |
2009.08 |
DX-Based Navigation Linked with Kyoto City Bus Location System for National Treasure Visitors | IEVC2021-Digital Museum and Humanities 52 (2021-09) Hiroshi Sunaga, Mako Kawasaki |
2021.09 |
A Digital Transformative Education Method for Japanese Classical Literature -Hyakunin-Isshu E-Learning | IEVC2021-Digital Museum and Humanities 53 (2021-09) Eri Yokoyama, Hiroshi Sunaga |
2021.09 |
電技審第三専門委員会 調査研究員(2000年3月まで)
ITU-T SG7 1997-2000会期 ラポータ(2000年3月まで)
電信電話技術委員会(TTC)第4部門委員会第5専門委員会(IP電話)専門委員長,ETSI TIPHONリエゾンラポータ(2002年3月まで)
SAINT2005 Workshop Organizers
SAINT2006 Workshop Organizers
IEEE P2P2006 Program Committee委員
COMPSAC2006 Program Committee委員
NCUS'06 Program Committee委員
SAINT2007 Workshop Organizers
IEEE P2P2007 Program Committee委員
IEEE P2P2008 Program Committee委員
IEEE ICCCI 2021 : 3rd International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet
Technical Program Committee委員(2021年6月まで)
IEEE ICCCI 2022 : 4th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet
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IEEE ICCCI 2023 : 5th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet
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