

   また、新規感染者が拡大するなか、医療のひっ迫が続いていることから、より一層感染予防の徹底に努めてまいりますので 学生、関係者の皆様におかれましても、何卒ご理解いただき、ご協力いただきますようお願い申し上げます。

  1. 入構制限措置の一部変更について(9月15日以降)
  2. 後期オリエンテーション(9月15日~)について
  3. 令和3年度 前期末学位授与式について
    令和3年度 前期末学位授与式は、予定どおり挙行します。
  4. 課外活動について
  5. 行動ガイドライン



State of Emergency declared in Osaka Prefecture

Updated 13/09/2021

Osaka Prefecture has announced that they will be extending the State of Emergency until September 30th, in accordance with this OGU will be also be extending it's COVID-19 response period until September 30th in order to help suppress infection rates.
Furthermore, within the growing number of infections there is a rapidly increasing pressure on medical facilities, so we would ask all students and related parties for their understanding and cooperation by carefully reading and paying attention to OGU's guidelines below.
Please note that depending on the state of COVID-19 infections in the future there is a possibility that these measures may change.

  1. Changes to campus restrictions (from Sept 15th)
    Entry to campus is restricted to designated gates. When entering campus please have your temperature checked, disinfect your hands at each entrance, and wear the wristband that certifies that you have had your temperature checked that day.
    Designated entrance points: Gate #1, Gate #2, Gate #5, Gate #6, Gate #4 (the gate at the entrance to the car park)
    *Entrance to Bld. #1 and Bld. #2 is also permitted.
  2. 2nd Semester Orientation
    Orientation will be held as scheduled.
  3. Reiwa 3 - 1st Semester: Graduation Ceremony
    The ceremony will be held as scheduled.
  4. Extra-curricular Activities
    Club/circle activities will be allowed providing that they keep a high priority on ensuring safety and that they follow the conditions of "Requirements for student participating in extra-curricular activities" and "Requirements for permitted extra-curricular activities".
  5. Code of Conduct
    We urge students to take action to prevent the spread of infection.
    We sincerely hope that each student will continue to act with a high level of awareness and consideration.
    Please avoid being part of group activities and eating together to prevent creating COVID clusters.
    Please take care of health and carry out body temperature checks every day. If you have cold symptoms such as fever, or have close contact with a person you feel may be sick, please go and see a doctor.
    Try to avoid environments with a high risk of infection.
    Please regularly practice wearing a mask, washing and disinfecting your hands, and social distancing.

※If you are infected with COVID-19, or suspect that you are infected, please be sure to contact the Student Affairs Health Center.

We will notify you on the official website or the student website if there are any changes to these measures.

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