- Professional Aptitude Test
- Mock Employment Examination
- Trade Seminar
- On-campus Information Meeting
- Career Planning Support Seminar
- Job Search Support
Professional Aptitude Test
In addition to having hopes and dreams, it is important to know yourself and gauge your professional aptitude. In career planning, this constitutes the first step to self-analysis and the job search itself.
A professional aptitude test usually involves evaluating a candidate's ability to carry out professional duties and activities, and degrees of aptitude for different types of work, in consideration of the candidate's personal interests and traits (interview, essay writing and physical examination are also included). The test aims at accurately assessing the candidate's potential ability and personality, findings that, upon hiring, can be used to determine the individual's position within the organization. Frequently used professional aptitude tests include SPI, the general occupational aptitude test and the Kraepelin test. Some companies use their own original aptitude tests. Many companies use the written SPI test.
SPI is a system that assesses the examinee's ability and character-based aptitude. The examinee is placed in a mildly pressured situation; how much of his or her ability can be put to use is then measured. Normally, junior high school-level knowledge and sufficient time guarantee full marks, but a lack of inner calm can invite error, as there are many problems to solve within a limited time.
You can earn high marks in such tests if you prepare well, by, for example, taking practice tests conducted at the University, and by maintaining a serene attitude. The University also conducts aptitude tests. Getting a good grasp of your professional aptitude before starting your job search can expand your scope of interests to include new types of work and new fields, and enable job search with a broader vision. Having hopes and dreams and knowing yourself and your professional your aptitude are important, and constitute the first steps to your job search.
Mock Employment Examination
Employment examinations that test the general knowledge of candidates as future corporate members are becoming more important than ever. Growing importance is also attached to candidates' knowledge regarding major events of the year, which are often summarized in key words and phrases, contemporary issues and current topics, including societal and cultural phenomena.
In the recruiting process, interviews are as important as before, but in today's job market, in which employers are hiring fewer and fewer persons, written employment examinations are becoming increasingly important as a hurdle to overcome before getting to interviews. To succeed in your job search, it is essential to fully prepare yourself for written examinations through various means, including taking mock employment examinations organized by the University.
Trade Seminar
Trade seminars are held to provide students with the opportunity to get a broad view of many different professional genres. It is risky to start your job search by focusing on one trade from the beginning. In lectures designed to enable students to discover various works and companies, lecturers who have worked in many different fields offer useful information. Seminars are open to all students. Whether or not you already have your target trade, come to enrich your knowledge about the working world.
On-campus Information Meeting
At these meetings, human resources personnel from companies that hire new university graduates come to the University to provide information on industrial trends, company activities and hiring policies and plans etc. Choosing your prospective employer merely for prestige, image or general trends can lead to disappointment due to an eventual gap between image and reality. You should start by obtaining solid knowledge regarding the target company activities and human resources needs, then approach jobs and companies that suit you. Active participation in trade seminars and on-campus information meetings is recommended as a way to get to know your target trade or company well.
Some information meetings feature OGU alumni as speakers. Make the most of these opportunities, where you can obtain useful information in a relaxed atmosphere.
Career Planning Support Seminar
It is preferable for students, while still in college, to acquire the basic rules for sensible adult membership in society, which include common sense and knowledge, good manners in greeting, speech, deportment etc. This Seminar, which includes instruction in these "basics" in an easy-to-master way, offers useful pointers for Internet and newspaper use, entry sheet completion, job interviews and other matters related to employment search. Improve yourselves in all ways, to be immediately operational in your future profession.
Job Search Support
As you proceed with your job search, you are sure to encounter various problems and questions. Do not suffer in solitude; feel free to visit the Career Counseling Center for advice. Indicate your request for individual counseling to the Center staff at the counter, if you so wish. - Career planning counseling: The Center is open at all times to requests for one-on-one counseling in regard to CV preparation, entry sheet completion and correction etc.
- Mock employment interview (reservations required): Employment interviews are indispensable to being hired by your target employer. The Center organizes simulated employment interviews and practices at the University, to instruct in basic interview manners and prepare for real interviews.
- Corporate information retrieval via the Internet: Personal computers in the Career Counseling Center and anywhere else on campus may be freely used to collect corporate information from the Internet. This service has been very highly appreciated by students, for it enables them to start collecting information well before companies begin holding recruitment information meetings.